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So... When will quest finder be available?

Jun 08, 2012
Quests are really hard to find once you have passed the area. It is very tedious to go around every single location on every single world just to find that 1 little quest that you missed. Wizard101 has a quest finder, which makes it really easy to complete all of those hidden quests. So when will Pirate101 get one?

May 30, 2010
eruptorsthebest on Dec 22, 2017 wrote:
Quests are really hard to find once you have passed the area. It is very tedious to go around every single location on every single world just to find that 1 little quest that you missed. Wizard101 has a quest finder, which makes it really easy to complete all of those hidden quests. So when will Pirate101 get one?
Not soon enough. Maybe KI will slip one into our next update? The longer they wait, the bigger a pain it's going to be for them, I'm sure.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
eruptorsthebest on Dec 22, 2017 wrote:
Quests are really hard to find once you have passed the area. It is very tedious to go around every single location on every single world just to find that 1 little quest that you missed. Wizard101 has a quest finder, which makes it really easy to complete all of those hidden quests. So when will Pirate101 get one?
This has been asked about every few months since the game launched. We have not heard a single whisper of a thought of consideration of the idea yet...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Willowydream on Dec 25, 2017 wrote:
This has been asked about every few months since the game launched. We have not heard a single whisper of a thought of consideration of the idea yet...

Look how long it took to implement ranked PVP and then our team-up ledger..... it's coming, I'm sure