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[Video] My Top 4 Pirate101 Worlds!

Feb 07, 2009
Hey hey! What's shaking ma dudes? I'm YerAPirate and I produce Pirate101 content on YouTube. So happy to be apart of the P101 community forum! Awesome that KI made a section for all of us content creators. I want to share one of my recent videos with you guys. Come watch my 'Top 4 Pirate101 Worlds' on YouTube! I make much more content such as W101 on my channel so be sure to check the other content too!

Link to the video:

Happy plundering!

- YerAPirate

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Windice on May 21, 2019 wrote:
Hey hey! What's shaking ma dudes? I'm YerAPirate and I produce Pirate101 content on YouTube. So happy to be apart of the P101 community forum! Awesome that KI made a section for all of us content creators. I want to share one of my recent videos with you guys. Come watch my 'Top 4 Pirate101 Worlds' on YouTube! I make much more content such as W101 on my channel so be sure to check the other content too!

Link to the video:

Happy plundering!

- YerAPirate
Excellent, excellent video,YerAPirate!
Here's a tip for you: if you want to get rid of all the name places in the areas, just type "n" and it will clear up the screen. ( The names are a bit distracting and they hide the art you wanted to show. )