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Nefarious 5 Critical Music Idea

Jul 18, 2016
Ahoy everyone! I am back with a rather interesting idea that many of you might like! So to start the idea off, I am sure that many of you pirates know that the Nefarious Five from the Tower of Moo Manchu have their own unique critical music when they land critical hits on you. My idea is this. We pirates should have the Nefarious Five critical music if we are wielding a Nefarious Five weapon. For example, if you're wielding the Dragon-Axe of Doom your critical music should change to match the Buccaneer Nefarious Five critical music. If you're wielding the Nefarious Knives, your pirate's critical music should match the Swashbuckler Nefarious Five's critical music and if you're wielding the Bound Oni's Bulwark, your pirate's critical music should change to match the Privateer Nefarious Five's critical music. I think that this idea would make the Nefarious Five weapons a bit more unique and a bit more fun to use. Let me know what you guys think. As for me, I love this idea and hope it gets added to the game. Let me know your opinions and do say hi if you see me in the skyways! Fair sailing pirates and happy farming!
Stormy Elijah Silver (Max Swashbuckler)
Corrupt Zane Silver (Max Privateer)
Dark Blaze Sharp (Max Witchdoctor)
Sly Brady Silver (Level 23 Musketeer-in-Training and owner of Laarn, Baar, and Haywire Battle Angel)