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What is the best gear for a level 30 swashbuckler?

Jan 24, 2010
I'm a swashbuckler nearing level 30. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what gear I should be trying to get once I reach level 30?

Dec 28, 2012
Bazaar gear will get you through most of the game to be honest. You only really need to worry about gear around level 50, and even then it's not a requirement. Just keep questing and have fun!

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
A lot depends on how you play your swashbuckler, what companions you use, what powers you favor, etc.

Here is a link to the Provides Ability Chart for Swashbucklers on the Pirate101 Central wiki:

Expand the level range you are interested in and you can review the items of gear that provide those abilities you feel you need.

My most recent swashbuckler character is using a shooty/slashy combo weapon at the moment, and boosting his will for some witchy powers, so he's not your typical swashbuckler due to having long-range attacks and boosting his companions for a more effective team. His hat is the Knifefighter's Stetson, which gives Mutineer's Grasp. His outfit is the Cattlebaron's Greatcoat, which gives Steadying Speech. Owlhoot's Boots give him a Big Juju. His charm is the Trickster's Talisman for a Rally heal power, just in case of bad luck. His First Mate is the recently recruited Chicken Miner. None of these may be right for you.

Have fun with your swashbuckler finishing Cool Ranch. The gear is only part of the journey.