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Magic Mirror

Dec 18, 2012
In the next update for pirate can we get something similar to Wizard101's magic mirror? Maybe it could be a barber shop or something, I have been asking for this ever since wiz got their magic mirror I had been wanting to change the way my pirates looked since I was quite young when I made my first and didn't put much thought into making him. I hope everyone is doing okay with all of the craziness going on in the world these days. Please stay safe! Best wishes!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Axel7805 on Apr 9, 2020 wrote:
In the next update for pirate can we get something similar to Wizard101's magic mirror? Maybe it could be a barber shop or something, I have been asking for this ever since wiz got their magic mirror I had been wanting to change the way my pirates looked since I was quite young when I made my first and didn't put much thought into making him. I hope everyone is doing okay with all of the craziness going on in the world these days. Please stay safe! Best wishes!
Welcome to the message boards, Axel805! You're not the only one to have asked for a way to change their pirate's looks. Hopefully, KI will take this into consideration.
Stay healthy, be safe, play!
* SHIP! *