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Carcarius Grimtooth

Apr 06, 2016
Seeing as how he has Mojo Echo, why doesn't Carcarius have Mojo Rising?

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
DariusMusk on Jul 23, 2020 wrote:
Seeing as how he has Mojo Echo, why doesn't Carcarius have Mojo Rising?
It certainly would be nice if he could. There aren't many witchdoctor companions, and those that we do get, tend to be under-powered other than Ol' Scratch.

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
i think the old reasoning for most witch comps not having rising was that they could learn improved mojo blast, and the i think 3 comps that can train it, dont have access to improved (inoshishi necro, trog chief, and the crab hermit)

though, carc is weak and would still be weak even with it, he's only primarily used for his jobus embrace but thats in part due to how poorly the witch class is designed to be fair.