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Musketeer attacks on Rooke

Oct 19, 2012
Hey there I am a level 70 musketeer and I was farming Kane and thought about how Rooke can deflect my shooty weapon attacks. So I was think and though if I used a different weapon like a bow from Mooshu will he still be able to deflect the attack? I haven't tested this yet and was wondering if anyone knew if changing your weapon could stop the deflects from Rooke. Also if it some how works will it work with a stitched item as well? Say you stitch a pistol to a bow with the appearance being a bow will this work?

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Feb 11, 2010
No matter what type of shooty weapon you use, Rooke will deflect it. However, he does not deflect traps, so be sure to put them at the top of your power list. Since he does reflect musketeers, I suggest using an all-melee team of companions. Also, I am not sure of this myself, but maybe using a shooty/stabby, smashy, or slashy weapon may not reflect.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
uSolomon on Aug 11, 2016 wrote:
Hey there I am a level 70 musketeer and I was farming Kane and thought about how Rooke can deflect my shooty weapon attacks. So I was think and though if I used a different weapon like a bow from Mooshu will he still be able to deflect the attack? I haven't tested this yet and was wondering if anyone knew if changing your weapon could stop the deflects from Rooke. Also if it some how works will it work with a stitched item as well? Say you stitch a pistol to a bow with the appearance being a bow will this work?
Rooke's reflect/rookechet will activate with any musket weapon, it doesn't matter if its a bow or gun. He doesn't reflect an AoE attack, though.

Jul 07, 2013