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Bosun Budd Build Please

Petty Officer
Dec 06, 2012
What build should I give Bosun Budd? What talents/epic talents should I give him? Also how do I play Bosun Budd?

Community Leader
There's no info for him on the wiki, so unless if someone dropped the crowns for him, no one can easily tell you what epics he gets. His traps and self heals aren't super useful, and he lacks guaranteed hits, a necessity for good companions. Unless you are willing to waste the crowns, don't get him

Writer, Editor, Administrator, and Pirate PvP guy at FinalBastion

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Jul 18, 2016
mr idea on Aug 21, 2017 wrote:
What build should I give Bosun Budd? What talents/epic talents should I give him? Also how do I play Bosun Budd?
Hello Mr. Idea. Ahhh Bosun Budd, one of my favorite companions in the entire game and really underrated. Before I tell you my build for Bosun Budd, I'm gonna say that this companion doesn't get the love that he needs. He's really powerful, deals a lot of damage, and has high armor and health scaling. I even use him in Kane and Tower of Moo Manchu. So to start it off, Bosun Budd's primary job is to be a front-line tank, soaking up damage and protecting your more fragile companions in the back, such as Chantal, Bonnie Anne, or Zeena. The build I used for him is as follows. The talents I gave my Bosun Budd are Rough 4, Strong 3, Armored 4, Accurate 2, and Dodgy 1. I wouldn't invest points in dodgy since Buccaneers rarely dodge anyway. Anyways onto the good part, Bosun Budd's epics. He starts with Pirate 1, Turn the Tide 1, and Vengeance Strike 1 and he can learn Bladestorm, Vengeance Strike, Riposte, Second Chance, and Cheap Shot. I gave my Bosun Budd Vengeance Strike 3, Bladestorm 2, and Riposte 1. Since Bosun Budd is a front-line tank with low dodge, Vengeance Strike 3 allows him to go in, act as bait, soak up damage while healing it up with Starfish Consume, and stun the enemy. Bladestorm 2 allows him to follow up with criticals, and Riposte 1 is for the potential dodge. That's pretty much it on how to use Bosun Budd. I hope I was of some help and I hope to see you in the skyways. I forgot to add that I have Bosun Budd on my Witchdoctor because I like the undead theme on there, so I can also buff my Bosun Budd with Juju buffs.
Stormy Elijah Silver (Max Swashbuckler)
Corrupt Zane Silver (Max Privateer)
Dark Blaze Sharp (Max Witchdoctor and the pirate I have Bosun Budd companion on)
Sly Brady Silver (Level 25 Musketeer-in-Training)