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Ideas for a new/third KingsIsle 101 game.

Feb 25, 2012
I can't say I'm particularly expecting them to make another one, but hey, maybe they will.

So, to that end, I felt like making this thread to collect peoples idea's as to what they could do.

Naturally the ideas ought to include the premise/name, and the combat form.

We've got Wizards and Pirates, using cards/decks and a tile system, both turn based.
What else would you like to see?

And yes, to anybody who noticed, I put this thread on both game's forums.

At first I was going to worry about the "seriousness" of the premise, by which I mean "age-appropriate-ness" since these are technically kids game.
Then I figured they already did Pirates, which is a pretty serious and adult concept, and made it work just fine for a kids game, so really they could do it with most anything.

I'm going to keep my own ideas out of the initial post, but maybe I'll comment them if I can figure out how I want to verbalize them.

Nov 01, 2013
The Song on Dec 11, 2017 wrote:
I can't say I'm particularly expecting them to make another one, but hey, maybe they will.

So, to that end, I felt like making this thread to collect peoples idea's as to what they could do.

Naturally the ideas ought to include the premise/name, and the combat form.

We've got Wizards and Pirates, using cards/decks and a tile system, both turn based.
What else would you like to see?

And yes, to anybody who noticed, I put this thread on both game's forums.

At first I was going to worry about the "seriousness" of the premise, by which I mean "age-appropriate-ness" since these are technically kids game.
Then I figured they already did Pirates, which is a pretty serious and adult concept, and made it work just fine for a kids game, so really they could do it with most anything.

I'm going to keep my own ideas out of the initial post, but maybe I'll comment them if I can figure out how I want to verbalize them.
I don't really have time for Wizard101, so I am only a Pirate101 player. But if KingsIsle ever comes out with a new "101" game, I'd be extremely happy to log on and play it with this same account.

For a long time, I've been dreaming of a "Ninja101". I feel that, even though we've done Quests in MooShu that are, I guess, sort of "ninja-themed", but in Ninja101 we can literally dress as ninjas with extra special stats and extra detail, based originally off of the kimonos from MooShu.

What do you think? Do you like the idea, or are you striving for more... Like, let's say...


Have fun,
See you piratin' somewhere in the Spiral!

(P.S. I mean "Agent101" as in secret agents. )

Jan 30, 2013
Knight101? An epic quest to defeat the dragon that haunts the kingdom! You must go on a journey to collect the gems that give power to your sword,
Crystal to use Ice,
Ruby for Fire,
Emerald for Earth,
Obsidian for Death,
Turquoise for Water,
Amber for Balance,
Amethyst for Storm,
Pearl for Energy.

You start out with one of the gems as your beginning point, and don't have to do that quest line. 1 and a half quest lines ( Collecting the stones) come free. So you would end up with 2 and be half way to your 3rd before your free trial ends. Once you collect them, you can defeat the dragon, and save the kingdom. You become the King's head Guard, and could be the next in line for ruling the kingdom.
But then, a plot to kill the king surfaces. Who is behind it? It couldn't be.... The dragons master? Who has no equal in power? Now the whole kingdom counts on a hero to arise , and to save them from this dreaded Master of All. Can it, will it......... be you?

I am thinking somewhere between Pirate and Wizard in length. I have never played Wizard, but from what I have grasped from others, it is longer than Pirate.

You have one knight under your orders( Like a companion), just one rank lower than you. In boss battles you have Npcs you can choose to help you, based on side quests you do for them. ( Man asks you to get a load of fish for him, which leads you to find his horse, which leads you to sending a letter, to which he says to you, " If you ever need my help, let me know, good sir!" kind of thing.
Gemstones unlock a certain super power you can use, and each time you gain one, it has a place in your sword, given to you by your father, which the dragon ate or something.

Battles would be simple, turn based like Pirate, probably.

Yeah, I just came up with this in the last 5 minutes. Let me know any questions I need to answer, if you have any. If you read this far, you are the real MVP.

Thanks for letting my imagination go wild, The Song!
Misty, 70
Zoe, 53

Nov 01, 2013
The Stalwart Queen on Dec 13, 2017 wrote:
Knight101? An epic quest to defeat the dragon that haunts the kingdom! You must go on a journey to collect the gems that give power to your sword,
Crystal to use Ice,
Ruby for Fire,
Emerald for Earth,
Obsidian for Death,
Turquoise for Water,
Amber for Balance,
Amethyst for Storm,
Pearl for Energy.

You start out with one of the gems as your beginning point, and don't have to do that quest line. 1 and a half quest lines ( Collecting the stones) come free. So you would end up with 2 and be half way to your 3rd before your free trial ends. Once you collect them, you can defeat the dragon, and save the kingdom. You become the King's head Guard, and could be the next in line for ruling the kingdom.
But then, a plot to kill the king surfaces. Who is behind it? It couldn't be.... The dragons master? Who has no equal in power? Now the whole kingdom counts on a hero to arise , and to save them from this dreaded Master of All. Can it, will it......... be you?

I am thinking somewhere between Pirate and Wizard in length. I have never played Wizard, but from what I have grasped from others, it is longer than Pirate.

You have one knight under your orders( Like a companion), just one rank lower than you. In boss battles you have Npcs you can choose to help you, based on side quests you do for them. ( Man asks you to get a load of fish for him, which leads you to find his horse, which leads you to sending a letter, to which he says to you, " If you ever need my help, let me know, good sir!" kind of thing.
Gemstones unlock a certain super power you can use, and each time you gain one, it has a place in your sword, given to you by your father, which the dragon ate or something.

Battles would be simple, turn based like Pirate, probably.

Yeah, I just came up with this in the last 5 minutes. Let me know any questions I need to answer, if you have any. If you read this far, you are the real MVP.

Thanks for letting my imagination go wild, The Song!
Misty, 70
Zoe, 53
That is so amazing, Misty! I love that idea and I'd love to play Knight101 if KingsIsle ever came out with it.

However, I do have one question: What will the "Classes"/"Schools" be (Swashbuckler, Buccaneer, Privateer, Musketeer, Witchdoctor)? I don't play Wizard101 either but I know they're called Schools in there and they're called Classes in here, so what will they be called in Knight101?

Just some quick and easy feedback as to how to make Knight101 even more possible for KingsIsle to hopefully produce!

Jan 30, 2013
Helpful Aurora Par... on Dec 13, 2017 wrote:
That is so amazing, Misty! I love that idea and I'd love to play Knight101 if KingsIsle ever came out with it.

However, I do have one question: What will the "Classes"/"Schools" be (Swashbuckler, Buccaneer, Privateer, Musketeer, Witchdoctor)? I don't play Wizard101 either but I know they're called Schools in there and they're called Classes in here, so what will they be called in Knight101?

Just some quick and easy feedback as to how to make Knight101 even more possible for KingsIsle to hopefully produce!
Sorry, I was running out of words left to use. There are two ways it could go.

1. The gems would be your class. As you get more gems( through questing), you acquire the power of all the classes, but will always be stronger in the gem class you first chose. ( 10 % more power to fire class if you pick ruby and so on.)

2. In a way more similar to Pirate, the classes would be like defending, healing, high power low health, and range. So a Defender would have regular armor armor, regular amount of health, a regular amount of attack power. Healers would have several heals, low damage, high armor, and high health. Attackers would have high attack power, but low health, medium armor, and medium dodge. Crossbowmen would have medium attack power and medium health, but a high dodge.
These classes would be more like helping ( Such as in pirate you get 5% health if you were raised in grizzleheim) and you would have to rely more of the power of your gems.

Each gem contains a power. You can do certain side quests ( that cost crowns, unless with membership) to upgrade the attack power. So, say you start off with Amber ( Balance). You can halt enemies in a higher level for one turn. (To restore balance to the board, since you have a chance to buff or sneak up on them) Once you upgrade your gem, you can halt them for 2 turns. and so on.

Buffs would be gained by side quests also ( Most likely one buff per gem upgrade.). You would unlock a series of side quests by talking to the king. At the end of those side quests ( Given every 5 levels) you would be able to get a buff and upgrade your stone.

Does that answer everything, or do I need to convey my thoughts better? Thanks for asking me a question!

Misty, 70

Nov 01, 2013
The Stalwart Queen on Dec 13, 2017 wrote:
Sorry, I was running out of words left to use. There are two ways it could go.

1. The gems would be your class. As you get more gems( through questing), you acquire the power of all the classes, but will always be stronger in the gem class you first chose. ( 10 % more power to fire class if you pick ruby and so on.)

2. In a way more similar to Pirate, the classes would be like defending, healing, high power low health, and range. So a Defender would have regular armor armor, regular amount of health, a regular amount of attack power. Healers would have several heals, low damage, high armor, and high health. Attackers would have high attack power, but low health, medium armor, and medium dodge. Crossbowmen would have medium attack power and medium health, but a high dodge.
These classes would be more like helping ( Such as in pirate you get 5% health if you were raised in grizzleheim) and you would have to rely more of the power of your gems.

Each gem contains a power. You can do certain side quests ( that cost crowns, unless with membership) to upgrade the attack power. So, say you start off with Amber ( Balance). You can halt enemies in a higher level for one turn. (To restore balance to the board, since you have a chance to buff or sneak up on them) Once you upgrade your gem, you can halt them for 2 turns. and so on.

Buffs would be gained by side quests also ( Most likely one buff per gem upgrade.). You would unlock a series of side quests by talking to the king. At the end of those side quests ( Given every 5 levels) you would be able to get a buff and upgrade your stone.

Does that answer everything, or do I need to convey my thoughts better? Thanks for asking me a question!

Misty, 70
That's perfect, Misty! Hmm... I hope you like questions?

I am wondering... How will the name system work? When you choose your own name, should it be like Pirate101 (adjective [like Helpful], first name [like Aurora] and last name [like Parker]), like Wizard101 (first name [like Aurora] and last name [something like SwiftStalker or something, LOL]) or its very own system? Should it maybe be first name only and if you're a boy, your name is something like, "Sir Jacob" or for a girl, "Dame Aurora" or "Lady Aurora"? What do you think?

And I think the Healer Class sounds the most powerful to me, although I'll still have to say I'd pick Attacker due to the excessive amount of Swashbuckler running in my blood.

Nov 01, 2013
The Stalwart Queen on Dec 13, 2017 wrote:
Sorry, I was running out of words left to use. There are two ways it could go.

1. The gems would be your class. As you get more gems( through questing), you acquire the power of all the classes, but will always be stronger in the gem class you first chose. ( 10 % more power to fire class if you pick ruby and so on.)

2. In a way more similar to Pirate, the classes would be like defending, healing, high power low health, and range. So a Defender would have regular armor armor, regular amount of health, a regular amount of attack power. Healers would have several heals, low damage, high armor, and high health. Attackers would have high attack power, but low health, medium armor, and medium dodge. Crossbowmen would have medium attack power and medium health, but a high dodge.
These classes would be more like helping ( Such as in pirate you get 5% health if you were raised in grizzleheim) and you would have to rely more of the power of your gems.

Each gem contains a power. You can do certain side quests ( that cost crowns, unless with membership) to upgrade the attack power. So, say you start off with Amber ( Balance). You can halt enemies in a higher level for one turn. (To restore balance to the board, since you have a chance to buff or sneak up on them) Once you upgrade your gem, you can halt them for 2 turns. and so on.

Buffs would be gained by side quests also ( Most likely one buff per gem upgrade.). You would unlock a series of side quests by talking to the king. At the end of those side quests ( Given every 5 levels) you would be able to get a buff and upgrade your stone.

Does that answer everything, or do I need to convey my thoughts better? Thanks for asking me a question!

Misty, 70
Ooh, and what starting Powers/Epics do you think each Class should have? Should I help you out with that one so you don't have to answer so many questions?

Feb 25, 2012
I am liking these ninja, spy, and knight ideas.

In my head I had some notion of a "Soldier101" which would be more modern in that each rate (military term for job, so the classes) would be a different type of firearm.
Sniper, Shotgun, explosives, etc.
No idea how they'd do the combat for that one though.
I mean they could just make it a simple shooter but they do seem to prefer turn based methods., and it'd be best not to repeat combat forms if they can get new ideas.
'Course I'd still play if they used the same forms.

I also thought of "Mafia101" with appropriately cliche'd classes.

Petty Officer
Oct 29, 2011
Maybe something similar to the minecraft theme or terraria? Some monsters in it as well as underground and a few above ground worlds? There could be a space theme one or even some sort of medieval knight theme possible. There are so many possible ideas out there.

Nov 01, 2013
The Song on Dec 14, 2017 wrote:
I am liking these ninja, spy, and knight ideas.

In my head I had some notion of a "Soldier101" which would be more modern in that each rate (military term for job, so the classes) would be a different type of firearm.
Sniper, Shotgun, explosives, etc.
No idea how they'd do the combat for that one though.
I mean they could just make it a simple shooter but they do seem to prefer turn based methods., and it'd be best not to repeat combat forms if they can get new ideas.
'Course I'd still play if they used the same forms.

I also thought of "Mafia101" with appropriately cliche'd classes.
Soldier101 sounds pretty cool!

And Misty, I would ask how the Worlds would go, but that's honestly up to KingsIsle to decide - if they ever come out with Knight101, so I guess I'll just ask what the first or starter World should be.

May 30, 2010
They don't really have the resources (or inclination, I don't know which) to support both Wizard and Pirate as they deserve to be. I can just see P101 being shoved even farther off the stove should KI decide to develop yet another 101 game. I'd much rather they started supporting the two games they have evenly than distract themselves with YetAnotherGame101, however amazing the concepts sound.

Sep 20, 2009
The Song on Dec 14, 2017 wrote:
I am liking these ninja, spy, and knight ideas.

In my head I had some notion of a "Soldier101" which would be more modern in that each rate (military term for job, so the classes) would be a different type of firearm.
Sniper, Shotgun, explosives, etc.
No idea how they'd do the combat for that one though.
I mean they could just make it a simple shooter but they do seem to prefer turn based methods., and it'd be best not to repeat combat forms if they can get new ideas.
'Course I'd still play if they used the same forms.

I also thought of "Mafia101" with appropriately cliche'd classes.
Soldier101 does sound interesting. Will it include quests like; mopping up the rain, polishing the inside of garbage pails, and sweeping dirt pathways?

Sorry, I'm just being silly. It couls be an interesting game though, with plenty of room for humour.

Nov 01, 2013
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Dec 17, 2017 wrote:
They don't really have the resources (or inclination, I don't know which) to support both Wizard and Pirate as they deserve to be. I can just see P101 being shoved even farther off the stove should KI decide to develop yet another 101 game. I'd much rather they started supporting the two games they have evenly than distract themselves with YetAnotherGame101, however amazing the concepts sound.
I do have to agree. I'd rather KingsIsle stay on top of Pirate101 than them make another 101 game. I feel like we're being put on the back burner, especially because I don't even play Wizard101.

Dec 05, 2016
I always thought one based in a Medieval or outer space setting would be cool. Or maybe one that involves the elements.

Nov 01, 2013
Pirate Eli on Dec 19, 2017 wrote:
I always thought one based in a Medieval or outer space setting would be cool. Or maybe one that involves the elements.
I think elements would be amazing, but I suppose they already have Wizard101.

By the way, I was digging up some old posts and I found some great ideas such as Space101 or Dragon101 (credits to Dr. Zeppers from post "New 101 Game" by Awesomeness021302).

Mar 24, 2013
Wizards is very enjoyable, a fun online adventure so wanted to travel to Emperya ( please forgive the spelling ), Azteca is giving Taylor a hard time. But i took 2 years break when I started back in 2011.Wizards have a lot of things,beside the main quest.

Pirates was epic, a more mature themed yet still kid friendly. I remember when cool ranch was no walk at the park, it took an hour for 1 main quest remember the 12 ship battle and the 1 hour long Miranda dungeon. That was a found memory, kind of reminded me of Celestia in wizards. Looking forward to crafting,more ship bosses and the Potential Korkotopia world ( hopefully a main world to the 2nd arc ).

Ninja 101, Warrior 101 or Space 101 would be a nice addition.