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My idea for a new booster pack

Petty Officer
Mar 18, 2013
So lets get to it the subjects btw are housing mounts pets and companions btw booster pack name Zafaria expedetion

Subject housing King lions den Ramda jungle and Zafarian Iron fort
You decide what these look like i just came up with the names and then i chose the winner who said what it looks that sounds cool and is to my liking OK ok

Subject mounts War elephant mount Tribal monkeys
A war elephant mount Tribal monkeys carring you on a gold throne

Subject pets Wild wing skarakeet Jack the monkey Hopping jumping froggie
A skarakeet with a skull color on its bottom side hopping jumping froggie that is of course
a poisen frog Jack the monkey seems a pirate that explored here got turned into a monkey

Subject companions Lion Prince Zebra hunter Cheetah runner Rhino charger Hyena savage all get promos btw Rajmir strongcat the prince Celah reenah the zebra hunter Winald fastcat rhiao charfire the rhino charger askall savagewind the hyena savage

See you in the skyways virtuous keelan newton lvl 70 Thx for reading this hope you like it

Oct 04, 2012
Love your idea and I saw some other posts I hope Kingsile releases a Zafaria themed pack and this reminds me of the tribal crew pack with the mounts.