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Idea For A Dance / Emote Pack

Jun 10, 2013
I was watching one of my Pirate 101 friends streaming on Twitch today (Fearless Taylor / Frog_Man3030), and I noticed in the game they were currently streaming there were several dance moves you could purchase. We both thought Pirate 101 should have more dance move options like that game does and I got to thinking, what if Kingsisle launched a brand new pack that worked similar to the Spirits Of Yuletide Set that grants 10 new dance moves for your Pirate. I think it would be really cool and a lot of people would pay Crowns to get this pack / set.

Here are my ideas for how this pack / set could work:

Name: Dance Set

Cost: 998 Crowns (basically 100 crowns per dance move, that seems fair)

Description: Gives 10 new dance move emotes for your Pirate. (yes, the pack / set would have to be bought per pirate not per account, just like the Spirits Of Yuletide Set)

Looks: The pack / set would have 2 pirates (a boy and a girl) dancing for the pack / set logo.

As for the Dance Moves I want to hear your suggestions, but I have a few of my own.

Flip - Your pirate jumps and does a 360 degree flip in the air, flipping upside down then landing back in their original right-side up position.

Backflip - Same thing as flip except your pirate flips backwards as opposed to forwards.

Jumping Jack - Your pirate does a jumping jack.

The Wave - Your pirate slowly brings their hands behind their pack and raises them over their head until their hands touch the ground in front of them.

The Robot - Your pirate moves their arms in a robotic fashion.

Hug - Your pirate puts their arms in a circle in front of them (not far enough to have an affect on other pirates).

The Owl - Your pirate turns their head 360 degrees.

The Heart - Your pirate extends their arms in front of them and makes a heart shape using their hands.

I like my 8 suggestions for possible dance moves for this pack / set but I want this to be a 10 dance move pack / set. I need your help for suggestions regarding the other 2 dance moves that should be in this pack / set.

Two-Faced Aurora "A Roar A" Clegg - Level 70 Musketeer who does not make a roaring noise.

Two-Faced Dino "Die No" Clegg - Level 70 Privateer who can and does die from time to time.

rrrrzzzz on Twitch!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
RRRRZZZZ419 on May 29, 2018 wrote:
I was watching one of my Pirate 101 friends streaming on Twitch today (Fearless Taylor / Frog_Man3030), and I noticed in the game they were currently streaming there were several dance moves you could purchase. We both thought Pirate 101 should have more dance move options like that game does and I got to thinking, what if Kingsisle launched a brand new pack that worked similar to the Spirits Of Yuletide Set that grants 10 new dance moves for your Pirate. I think it would be really cool and a lot of people would pay Crowns to get this pack / set.

Here are my ideas for how this pack / set could work:

Name: Dance Set

Cost: 998 Crowns (basically 100 crowns per dance move, that seems fair)

Description: Gives 10 new dance move emotes for your Pirate. (yes, the pack / set would have to be bought per pirate not per account, just like the Spirits Of Yuletide Set)

Looks: The pack / set would have 2 pirates (a boy and a girl) dancing for the pack / set logo.

As for the Dance Moves I want to hear your suggestions, but I have a few of my own.

Flip - Your pirate jumps and does a 360 degree flip in the air, flipping upside down then landing back in their original right-side up position.

Backflip - Same thing as flip except your pirate flips backwards as opposed to forwards.

Jumping Jack - Your pirate does a jumping jack.

The Wave - Your pirate slowly brings their hands behind their pack and raises them over their head until their hands touch the ground in front of them.

The Robot - Your pirate moves their arms in a robotic fashion.

Hug - Your pirate puts their arms in a circle in front of them (not far enough to have an affect on other pirates).

The Owl - Your pirate turns their head 360 degrees.

The Heart - Your pirate extends their arms in front of them and makes a heart shape using their hands.

I like my 8 suggestions for possible dance moves for this pack / set but I want this to be a 10 dance move pack / set. I need your help for suggestions regarding the other 2 dance moves that should be in this pack / set.

Two-Faced Aurora "A Roar A" Clegg - Level 70 Musketeer who does not make a roaring noise.

Two-Faced Dino "Die No" Clegg - Level 70 Privateer who can and does die from time to time.

rrrrzzzz on Twitch!
This is a very good idea, but I would prefer that dancing in P101 be free. Think of this in a real world way there is nothing stopping you from jumping up and "busting a move" whenever you like ( depending on place ).
Of course, learning a specific type of dance may cost you $ especially if you want to be good at it, but generally dancing is free.
Was the game "Guild Wars"? they have some interesting dances in that game.
If KI were to add dances to our emote selection, I would like to see either Dead Mike's dance or the Kowboki dance from Moomori Clan Hold.
In W101 there are more dances available to members, but I would still prefer that dancing be free.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
We could have the Robot as a dance, only call it "The Clockwork"...
We could have some dances from different cultures, too. Like a Hula, dances from Bali or New Zealand.