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Gracie Conrad and Catbeard

Sep 17, 2018
I was wondering if gracie conrad and catbeard would companions you would use often, because gracie is kinda weak but her mine placement does quite a bit of damage and catbeard only offers his epic strike which is "OK"

Anything would be helpful
-thank you
P.S. This is for my swash if that changes anything

May 30, 2010
I use both a fair bit when I'm out and about, regardless of which class of pirate I'm running. With my swashbucklers I just use the gallant defense, but they don't really need it.

Give them a fair shake -- they're both pretty good when the chips are down.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Bballer736 on Nov 4, 2018 wrote:
I was wondering if gracie conrad and catbeard would companions you would use often, because gracie is kinda weak but her mine placement does quite a bit of damage and catbeard only offers his epic strike which is "OK"

Anything would be helpful
-thank you
P.S. This is for my swash if that changes anything
Welcome to the Message Boards, Bballer736! Gracie Conrad has more going for her than just hitting She can be trained in Hold the Line ( very useful in keeping melee bucks or bucklers from attacking a weaker crew member.Her War Golem summons also has Hold the Line. I use her for such battles as the ninth floor in the Tower of Moo Manchu or even for the final battle in the Great Machine - she can stop Queen or any of the Marines dead in their tracks.
As a Privateer, she can also be trained in Witchhunter, so useful against those WD types!
I must admit that I don't care for Catbeard, but giving him Riposte seems a good idea and witchhunter is available to him as well.

Feb 12, 2015
Bballer736 on Nov 4, 2018 wrote:
I was wondering if gracie conrad and catbeard would companions you would use often, because gracie is kinda weak but her mine placement does quite a bit of damage and catbeard only offers his epic strike which is "OK"

Anything would be helpful
-thank you
P.S. This is for my swash if that changes anything
Ohh, nice mention. I post a thread on lesser used companions from time to time. I'll try to include Gracie or Catbeard in the next one!