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"Ook-Tikaab the Diabolical" fight analysis and suggestions

Feb 12, 2015
I never really got to analyze the first fight of the Events Update because I happened to catch it at the tail end of its time in the spotlight. Now that it's come back, I have done it and am ready to offer my opinions on it.

This fight has a unique system called Soul Absorb; every time a unit or enemy is defeated, the enemies all gain a boost to their Weapon Power, Defense and Magic Resist. This happens every time a unit is downed until Ook-Tikaab is defeated. Ook-Tikaab is accompanied by Diabolical Raptors, Bokors and Legionnaires who can use this system to great effect. This is an interesting system that works to make this fight have a hard but satisfying difficulty. Well, it's supposed to, at least.

For once, the problem with this fight does not relate to the creatures of that fight; they're all perfectly fine. However, the trigger conditions for this fight have a few bugs that make the enemies gain boosts where they shouldn't, making it. The Soul Absorb cheat seems to thing that obstacles - specifically obstacles with a healthbar - count as creatures. This means that the enemies can gain a boost every time a Flame effect is snuffed out, a Barricade is destroyed or Gracie Conrad's landmine detonates, among other things. This causes the fight to become too hard (Which is the polar opposite to what I thought of the other fights. It feels a little odd for me, too). The Soul Absorb mechanic needs to be modified to ignore the destruction of obstacles and stage hazards.

Secondly, the enemies occasionally seem to be able to keep gaining boosts even after Ook-Tikaab is defeated. I'm not sure exactly what triggers this, though I suspect the fight's code thinks Ook-Tikaab is still on the field. This need to be examined.

Finally, the Diabolical Legionnaires are misspelled in-game. They're called "Legionaires" which is incorrect; an N is missing from the name.

I'm happy with the difficulty of this fight, but these bugs cause it to be a little too much to handle. Also, the drop rates for the new stuff are still too low, FYI.

I like this new content, and I'm hoping community suggestions for all four of the new fights can be taken into consideration.