Pirate Game Fan Fiction


Adrift (Chapter 10) by Nimble Ginelle Quinn

Chapter ten: the stone island, the ship, and the shadow monster

The Stoneship Age had to be in the worst possible shape than all the other worlds combined. The ship was decayed and quite a few of its pieces were strewn in the water, the sky and the water were gray, most of the rocks and stone had large holes and cracks in them, and the top of the small yet tall rock island had a large burn mark on it, as if someone set off a bomb.

“Wow, what a dump!” Clyde said, kicking a piece of wood into the murky water. “Was this place really beautiful a long time ago, or was it always like this?”

“Hopefully it was prettier,” Madeline muttered. “So, how are we to find the last red and blue pages?”

Eliza looked around the tiny island. The frigate had split in half, the hull on the north side and the rest of the ship facing south, and was somehow merged with the stony rocks of the island. On the west side was a generator with three giant levers like the ones back in Sirius’s forechamber in the Adrift docks, and to the east was a lighthouse with its door busted down and its walls slightly cracked. It didn’t look like the pages would be anywhere.

“We may be in over our heads in this place,” Eliza concluded. “I-I really have no clue as to where we’re going to find these things.”

“I think I might know,” Andrew spoke up. “Y’know how Verdaness had one of the pages in between his teeth, and Kironos gave Eliza two of the pages? Maybe there’s someone here, hiding somewhere, that might give us the pages if we do something for them.”

“Wow Andrew, that’s a great guess-certainly not something that you’d normally do,” Travis commented.

“I like trains,” Andrew added with a dumb look on his face.

“And there it is…” Travis muttered with a frown.

“We should split up,” Eliza proposed. “Andrew has a point-if there is someone else here, one of us is bound to find them.”

Clyde headed up to the top of the rock, even though there wasn’t anywhere at the top where one could hide. Andrew went over to the generator, but only to play with the levers. Madeline went to investigate the ship’s hull, and Travis headed south to the end of the ship. The only other place to search was the lighthouse, so Eliza carefully walked inside.

The lighthouse wasn’t very tall-at least 20 feet in height. Eliza had to carefully step over the large splinters in the doorway, the only remaining part of the door. The bottom floor of the lighthouse (the “basement”) was flooded with water, and the trapdoor in the ceiling was locked. Mysteriously, there was a key chained at the foot of the ladder leading to the top of the lighthouse, but there was nothing to break the chain.

Eliza walked out of the lighthouse. “Does anyone have a sword or something to cut a chain with?” she asked aloud.

“These levers are so cool!” Andrew cried. “Look at what happens when I press down on this middle one!”

He pushed it down, and then a loud rumbling like the churning of water. Over to the east, it looked as though the lighthouse had grown a few inches. Eliza went back inside and gasped by what she saw.

The water had all drained out, leaving behind a set of wooden stairs built along the wall and spiraling all the way down to the basement floor. Something large and rectangular sat at the bottom of the stairs, over to the right.

Eliza carefully raced down the stairs and approached the object. It was a huge treasure chest, but it was locked. A small tab was located on the bottom right side of the chest. Eliza twisted it, and water drained out of the chest.

Eliza remembered the key chained to the floor, and she ran back up the stairs. “Hey Andrew, pull that lever up!” she yelled loudly.

“Ok, I will!” Andrew shouted back. Over at the generator, he pulled the lever back up, and instantly the water gushed back inside the lighthouse, rising quickly and filling up the entire floor until it stopped on the middle floor where Eliza stood. The treasure chest bobbed in the water-right next to the key chained to the floor.

Eliza took the key and inserted it into the chest’s lock. There was a click, and the lid popped open. Inside the chest was yet another key and Eliza knew exactly what it was for.

“I think I might know where one of the pages is hidden,” Eliza said aloud for the others to hear. She took the key, climbed the ladder, and unlocked the trapdoor in the ceiling. She climbed to the top and smiled with pleasure. Inside the top floor was a desk, a chair, and, of course, the red and blue pages.

Apparently both were hidden at the top, but why were they hidden there?

Eliza took the pages and put them inside her bag. She decided to take out the camera and take a few photos of the place, in case there might be something interesting. But when she turned around and looked out the window, she saw something rather terrifying.

Something big and black and hidden underwater was ‘swimming’ straight towards the lighthouse-something that had to be at least 30 to 40 feet long.

For her own safety and for the safety of her friends, Eliza switched on the light in the lighthouse by pulling a nearby lever. The lighthouse bulb swiveled around in circles, bathing the island in yellow light. Eliza climbed down the ladder and bolted right out the door in a hurry.

“Eliza, what’s troubling you?” Travis asked as he and the others came to her aid.

“You look really terrified,” Andrew pointed out.

“I think I know that,” Eliza growled at him. “And I think you guys should get to the top of that rock right now!”

“Why should we? Everything’s perfectly fine,” Clyde meowed. “Oh, let me guess, there’s a giant angry monster that’s after you because you have both of the pages, right?”

At that moment the lighthouse simply exploded. Everyone screamed and jumped out of the way to avoid the giant pieces of stone that flew through the air and crashed into the ship and parts of the island. When the debris cloud cleared, a huge beast made of shadow was hovering above the ruined lighthouse, its bat-like wings flapping crookedly.

“Why is it always me?!” Clyde yelled. “Why can’t something like this happen to Andrew for a change?!”

The monster roared, and immediately four bulbous, shadowy arms sprouted from its body, the first two rather small but the second two as long as the creature’s spiky tail. Two smaller bat wings sprouted in front of its larger wings, and another set of eyes opened up behind its nostrils. A crown of horns popped up from the back of its head, and its hind legs grew longer. The beast looked like a demonic dragon, and its eyes flashed blood orange.

“I don’t like dragons,” Andrew mumbled, shaking his head.

The demon dragon roared and flew at the group, its black body forming into solid scales, muscle, and bone and not shadow. The beast landed on the deck in front of the group and looked at them with all four of its eyes.

Why are you here?!! The dragon snarled.

“Uh, we-we just came for the pages…” Clyde stammered.

I am Demongania, guardian of this world, the dragon hissed. Aero Noctis thought he could control my island, thought he could ruin Sirius, but Sirius brought me into being, and therefore I came and lay waste to that tyrant! I gave Kironos half of my strength and all of my speed crystals, so he could outrun and outwit that vile pirate. He did so, but he let that bad man live, whereas I could have crushed him! The man disappeared, and I took upon the pages and had them hidden in the lighthouse, and now I have five foolish children here stealing these pages from me. Speak your last words now, for you won’t be leaving this place alive…

“Wait! We…we were sent here by Lió!” Madeline exclaimed. “Sirius needed a group of heroes to save this place, and he sent for us! The book chose Eliza, and she and the rest of us are going to help restore everything!”

Demongania had his great mouth open, ready to swallow the children alive, but he froze when he heard what Madeline said about Eliza. He stood up, sitting on his back legs and giant middle legs, with his small arms curled up against his chest.

This little human is the one who has been chosen? Demongania asked, all four of his eyes focused on Eliza.

“Pretty much-and you’re not the first monster to have attacked us over the pages,” Eliza added.

Demongania nodded his head, his eyes closed. I see very well what Sirius has intended, and therefore I bid you your freedom. Stoneship has been destroyed in my ancient fight against the shadow pirate, and I would like for it to be restored. Restore my home, human, and I shall grant you something that can help you in your fight against Aero Noctis-a powerful weapon you will find nowhere else in the Spiral.

He fanned out his giant wings and took off in the air, sailing off in the gray sky.

“Ok, let’s get back to Adrift before something else tries to kill us,” Travis said.


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